Stonewall Jackson class of '77


What is a Mailing List?

A list of e-mail addresses identified by a single name, such as When an e-mail message is sent to the mailing list name, it is automatically forwarded to all the addresses (subscribers) in the list.
Definition from webopedia

Why should you subscribe to OUR Mailing Lists?

Whenever there's news of an upcoming meeting, social or other information of interest to fellow alumni, all subscribers of our mailing list will automatically receive an individual email with the details. Sending out the information is also easier and more accurate for us.

We have two mailing lists -

Sjhs1977-announce is an 'announcement' (receive-only) mailing list to inform you about things more-or-less officially related to this website, class reunions or other similar events. Sign up by clicking here

Sjhs1977 is a chat forum. Use this list to inform your classmates about your new job, invite them to reminisce, share a loved one's passing, plan for future reunions, whatever! Sign up by clicking here